Halloween craft

I'm not a big fan of spiders. Any that venture into our house usually end up in the Hoover pretty quickly and this time of year is particularly busy for our Hoover! However, the family of furry spiders living on our dining room table will certainly not meet their maker in the vacuum, these arachnid pipe cleaner friends are a lot less scary and much more cute!

Yes, today we made halloween crafts and it was great fun! We found various ways to create creepy spiders using pipe cleaners and tissue paper and my son loved making the tissue paper pumpkin picture which was really easy to do. Tomorrow we're going to make a Halloween card and attempt a pipe cleaner bat and we're finally going to buy some pumpkins. I'm looking forward to carving them but also to making something yummy with the pumpkin, just need to search for a good recipe now. Will let you know how we get on!


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