Weekend Box Club

When the Weekend Box Club asked me if I'd like to review one of their boxes I was really interested to see what one of the boxes was like and also to see what my five year old son thought of it. The Weekend Box is a great idea, aimed at children aged 4-6, every two weeks your child receives a box, containing four creative, healthy and fun activities to do.

We were both excited when the Weekend Box arrived through the letterbox and were keen to see what activities were inside. The box was Aztec themed and each activity had an instruction card and the supplies needed to complete the activity such as card, feathers, paper, paint, string etc. Each activity was explained in simple steps with photographs to show you what to do and there was also a bit of information about the Aztecs so it was educational too. I really liked the animal characters and graphics on the box and also that the box itself can be coloured in so this was a bonus activity! The box also contains a packet of stickers to stick on the activity cards when you have completed each one.

My son's activities included Aztec Hot Chocolate (which was yummy!), Aztec Parrot, Aztec Mosaic Coaster and Aztec Pattern Prints. All the activities were fun to do and I was impressed by the quality of the box and supplies (there was even a paint brush provided) and also the creativitiy of the activities. A lot of time must have gone into planning out all the activites and I'm interested to see what other things are available in other boxes.

We spread the activities over two weekends as my son broke his finger the weekend we got the box (not doing the Weekend Box activities I must add!) which meant it was quite tricky for him to do the activities. The weekend after though he did manage to carry on using his strapped up fingers with a bit of help from me, and I think it took his mind off his poorly finger for a couple of hours! 

My son really enjoyed the Weekend Box (and I did too!) and I think its a great idea for children who love craft and making things. Even though the target age for the weekend Box is 4-6 I think children from ages 3-8 would love these boxes though younger children would need a parent's help.


If you'd like your first box FREE (yes FREE!) just visit the Weekend Box website and enter this special code JILL176 (new customers only and just one free box per household).

Disclaimer: This Weekend Box was provided to me free of charge in order for me to review it, however, the opinions expressed in this review are independent and my own.


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